ملخص كتاب "ذكور من المريخ ونساء من الزهره" باللغة العربية ولانجليزية

"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by Dr. John Gray is a classic book that explores the differences between men and women in relationships. Here are several detailed points from the book, along with an example for each point: Men and women have different communication styles: Men tend to communicate to share information, while women communicate to establish connections. For example, when a man asks his partner about her day, he may be looking for specific details or facts. In contrast, when a woman asks the same question, she may be looking to establish an emotional connection by listening to her partner's feelings. Men and women have different ways of dealing with stress: Men tend to withdraw and deal with stress internally, while women tend to talk about their problems and seek support. For example, if a man is stressed at work, he may prefer to go for a run or work on a project alone to deal with his stress. In contrast, if a woman is stressed at work, she may p...